2019 Round Up!
about 5 years ago by Shelley king

2019, what a year it has been!
A non-stop year full of change and positivity.
However, when planning for the New Year and looking back on the last 12 months, it can be easy to forget all you’ve achieved and only see the goals you didn’t quite reach.
So, we’ve decided to count all our achievements we’ve had in 2019, no matter how small.
We’ve given 7 different presentations across our specialist industries, as well as webinars and sponsored an award at the CILIP Knowledge and Management awards.
Welcomed our new Director Steve Brennan who has guided us through the last 8 months even though it feels like he’s always been part of the family.
We moved to our new offices in Chancery Lane! Trust us this is an achievement.
Released our long awaited 2019 KIM Salary Survey in association with CILIP and IRMS.
Celebrated a number of 1 Year Work Anniversaries across our teams and a 16 years’ work anniversary! We’re looking forward to many more years to come.
Continued to ensure our adherence to compliance by passing our ISO 27001 audit in the hands of our new Compliance Officer.
Raised money throughout the year for several different charities with themed days.
Attended a couple of quizzes and may have even won one! It was back in January and we’re still surprised.
And ended our busy year by letting our competitive sides loose with a festive game of mini golf at Puttshack.
We’re proud of what we’ve achieved in 2019 and are excited to look to the future to see what it holds and what else we can achieve in the coming year.
We wish you a Very Happy New Year and we’ll see you in 2020!
From all at TFPL and Sue Hill Recruitment